We recommend you first upgrade your current server to 4.2. Instructions on upgrading can be found on page 103 of
our online documentation.
Please refer to page 102 of our online documentation for general instructions on moving your Lansweeper installation.
If you are just looking to move the database, the steps are the following:
- Stop your Lansweeper service.
- Take a full backup of your lansweeperdb database using SQL Server Management Studio. Instructions on backing up and restoring your database can be found on page 99 of our online documentation.
- Run the Lansweeper installer on your new database server. Choose New Installation\Advanced Install and select only the database for installation.
- Do a restore of the database backup and overwrite the lansweeperdb database on the new server.
- Execute the below script in SQL Server Management Studio. This will ensure that the SQL user for your Lansweeper database is configured correctly.
use lansweeperdb
drop schema lansweeperuser
drop user lansweeperuser
execute sp_droplogin lansweeperuser
use master
EXEC sp_addlogin 'lansweeperuser', 'mysecretpassword0*', 'lansweeperdb', [English]
use lansweeperdb
EXEC sp_grantdbaccess 'lansweeperuser', 'lansweeperuser'
EXEC sp_addrolemember [db_owner], 'lansweeperuser'
- In the Lansweeper configuration files on your scanning server make sure that the Data Source, User ID and Password correspond with your SQL Server settings. The config files are:
%Program Files%\Lansweeper\Service\Lansweeperservice.exe.config
%Program Files%\Lansweeper\Website\web.config
- Restart your Lansweeper service.