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Engaged Sweeper II
Can't find IE9 anywhere in the database.
I saw this report suggestion and added it, but the results found are only IE7 and IE8 which are on older XP and Server 2003 systems. We have 80+ Win7 SP1 workstations and a dozen 2008 R2 Servers that are in the LS database; I know that most of those systems have IE9.

Why isn't IE9 being reported?

Engaged Sweeper II
For anyone else having issues, this is what we used to find Internet Explorer 9 installs.

Select Top 1000000 tblComputers.Computername,  tblComputers.ComputerUnique,
tblComputers.Domain, tblComputers.Description,
tblQuickFixEngineering.HotFixID As ID,
tblQuickFixEngineering.InstalledOn As Installed
From tblComputers Inner Join
tblQuickFixEngineering On tblComputers.Computername =
Where tblQuickFixEngineering.HotFixID Like '%982861%'
Order By tblComputers.Computername
Engaged Sweeper II
Hmmm...odd that it does not here. I ran a full rescan and still only get pre-9 versions. Oh well, the new report I created works fine. I kept the other as a way to report only older versions. Tx for the replies.
Engaged Sweeper III
Worked for me. Only 1 result, but I only rescanned 1 PC. And we don't actually use\recommend IE9.

Engaged Sweeper II
>Following the instructions in that thread will not add Internet Explorer 9 to the software list.

I deduced that.

>It will however allow you to create a report that displays all computers that have IE9 installed.

No, it does not. As I stated, what is returned in the report are only earlier versions. Likely for the reason you stated below, as in those ARE in the software table.

>As stated in that thread, IE9 does not show up in the software list because Microsoft decided to push it out as an windows update and installs it as such and is not installing IE9 as 'software'.

Figured that might be the case. I added another registry scanning entry, for HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version Vector with a Regvalue of IE. This appears to work for all versions.
Engaged Sweeper III
Following the instructions in that thread will not add Internet Explorer 9 to the software list.

It will however allow you to create a report that displays all computers that have IE9 installed.

As stated in that thread, IE9 does not show up in the software list because Microsoft decided to push it out as an windows update and installs it as such and is not installing IE9 as 'software'.



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