I decided to continue this conversation, instead of adding a new post to the "wish list," because this concerns the modification of Computer Names.
In my ideal world, the focal point of Lansweeper would be SerialNumber instead of Computername. I realize this would require a complete overhaul of the application, so I'm not seriously expecting this to happen. But I figured I'd at least mention it here, in case anyone has some useful thoughts on this subject.
Where I work, each Computer Name contains the name of the user (unless it's a "shared" computer). So, it's a fairly regular practice to modify Computer Names when computers are deployed or reassigned. In my mind, I consider the SerialNumber (or "Asset Tag," as it's commonly known) to be the one attribute of a computer that never changes. Computer Names, like the users to whom the computers are assigned, can change just like the amount of memory installed (or software applications).
I'm still a relative newcomer to Lansweeper, even though we've owned the permium version for several weeks (we're currently running 3.5.2). But I'm hoping to settle into a comfortable routine that won't involve too many additional steps when a computer is reassigned/renamed.
And, I'm looking forward to version 4.0!