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Engaged Sweeper

We've only just started using Lansweeper but one thing we were wondering if it was possible to do is keep any comments that we add on a computer with that computer even if the computer is renamed? Because of the way we work, we name the computers after their primary user, with the computer name being LastNameFirstInitial. Often computers will be handed down so their names will be changed. It'd be good if we could keep some history with the computer in the way of comments.

If that's not possible I'd be happy to hear suggestions of other ways we could go about it. 🙂
Engaged Sweeper
Most IT shops use the computername as the key field. We have a label on the display, so users can send a support request to us and include the computername. This key field allows us to tie lots of databases together (hard inventory, lansweeper, etc.) to create an almost unlimited picture of what's going on. No computer, in my experience, will be named the asset tag... as it is too vague.
Engaged Sweeper
Hmmm ... I'll have to ponder that some more, but I think I like your suggestion. That makes me wonder how other IT folks utilize the Computer Name field. Personally, I'd populate it with Dell's Service Tag, because I want that information to be the focal point of Lansweeper.

Anyway, thanks for the advice, and I look forward to the release of version 4.0.


Lansweeper Alumni
The problem is that "asset tag" works 100% of the time if you use brand computers like Dell.
In companies that use other brands without asset tags it's impossible to work.

Maybe an idea:
Why do you change the computername when it changes from user?
Wouldn't it be easier to change the description field of the computer of some other field to store the user's (owner's) name.

memory and software changes tracking are something for 4.0
Engaged Sweeper
I decided to continue this conversation, instead of adding a new post to the "wish list," because this concerns the modification of Computer Names.

In my ideal world, the focal point of Lansweeper would be SerialNumber instead of Computername. I realize this would require a complete overhaul of the application, so I'm not seriously expecting this to happen. But I figured I'd at least mention it here, in case anyone has some useful thoughts on this subject.

Where I work, each Computer Name contains the name of the user (unless it's a "shared" computer). So, it's a fairly regular practice to modify Computer Names when computers are deployed or reassigned. In my mind, I consider the SerialNumber (or "Asset Tag," as it's commonly known) to be the one attribute of a computer that never changes. Computer Names, like the users to whom the computers are assigned, can change just like the amount of memory installed (or software applications).

I'm still a relative newcomer to Lansweeper, even though we've owned the permium version for several weeks (we're currently running 3.5.2). But I'm hoping to settle into a comfortable routine that won't involve too many additional steps when a computer is reassigned/renamed.

And, I'm looking forward to version 4.0!


Lansweeper Alumni
Automating this is not possible at the moment. The computername is used as a unique reference.
Engaged Sweeper
So that wouldn't cause any conflict with there being a new computer with the same name as the older records?

For example if UserOne gets a new computer and his old computer gets given to UserTwo where it is renamed from OneU to TwoU would there be any conflicts between TwoU and UserOne's new computer (which will now be called OneU) because both of them have the same original name?

If it's all ok would there be any way to automate the process or make it a bit easier? If we have to edit a table every time a computer is formatted it's a bit of a pain and one more thing that we can potentially forget to do..
Lansweeper Alumni
This would work with some manual editing.
In table : "tblCompCustom" change the computername to the new one


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