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Engaged Sweeper
I cannot get the Computer Uptime / Show open files / Remote processes / Who's logged on to work from any 64bit computers through the web portal - what gives?? It works fine from a 32 bit computer.
Lansweeper Alumni
I could reproduce the problem partially.

It seems to run always fine without the cmd.exe /K switch
I noticed sometimes when there was already a DOS window open that a second one couldn't be opened.
Could you confirm?

On a 32 bit the command boxes always opened.

After some further reading:

If the browser is 32bit it opens the 32bit version of cmd.exe by default. (you can see it in task manager with *32)
Engaged Sweeper
Lansweeper Alumni
If I understand correctly: the machines where you run the action on (where you click on the action screen) are 64 bit machines and not the target machines right?
Engaged Sweeper
They are either XP SP2 w/ IE7 or WIN7 w/ IE8 - we do not allow any other browser on the network.
Engaged Sweeper
ok .. understood. so, then why won't it work on a 64bit pc with the double slasshes if that's how its programmed to work? once the double slashes are gone it runs on our 64bit pc's.
Lansweeper Alumni
mtaggart wrote:
ok .. understood. so, then why won't it work on a 64bit pc with the double slasshes if that's how its programmed to work? once the double slashes are gone it runs on our 64bit pc's.

What's the exact browser version and OS of these machines.
Lansweeper Alumni
this is done for all actions.
Javascript needs these double slashes to work. (javascript changes it back to a single "\")
Engaged Sweeper
Going back on this. I found that there are double backslashes in the path to run the Sysinteral apps, thus with these there the application cannot run. I copied this -> cmd.exe /K \\\\<server>\\lansweeper\\psloggedon.exe from the who's logged on shortcut in the Action Pane, removed the duplicated \'s and it ran. Why is Lansweeper adding additional \'s to these and how do we keep Lan sweeper from adding them in? This is how the command is listed in the configurator: cmd.exe /K \\<server>\lansweeper\psloggedon.exe \\{computer} As you can see there are not the duplicated \'s in the path.
Engaged Sweeper
So, I'm confused, we purchase a product from LAN Sweeper and then when we have a problem, you push it off to a vendor that you piggy back off of to make your product work? What's the point in paying LAN Sweeper??


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