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12-06-2022 11:19 AM - edited 12-06-2022 11:22 AM
Like windows assets, I would like to see installed applications on Linux assets.
on Windows assets:
on Linux assets:
Can anyone help me to solve that...?
Thanks for your help,
12-08-2022 11:01 AM
Hello there!
Based on your description, there indeed appears to be something wrong with the software retrieval for Linux assets in your installation. If you hadn't already, we would recommend updating to the latest version of Lansweeper ( and checking if that resolves the issue. Update instructions can be found here: https://www.lansweeper.com/knowledgebase/updating-your-installation/
After updating, make sure to rescan the concerning Linux assets and check if their software lists were updated when the scans have been completed.
If the issue still persists, please contact tech support: https://www.lansweeper.com/contact-support/
When contacting tech support, please provide them with the following information so that we can have a closer look:
We recommend compressing these files into an archive (zip/rar/7z) prior to sending them to drastically reduce their size.
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