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Champion Sweeper
I've run LSPush.exe on a USB drive, saved it as a .ls file to to the USB drive.

Copied it to:

C:\Program Files\Lansweeper\Service\import

I did this because the PC was having issues and getting these error messages. I tried the online help fixes, but none worked (we have GP/AD issues that are already known and I'm sure contributing to this issue. Of ~200 Nodes, ~80 won't scan. The PC is seen as a result of the scan of AD.

The RPC server is unavailable 0x800706BA (PC1.DOMAIN.local, PC1, 4/5/2012 2:07:27 PM
Cannot connect to DCOM port 135 : Firewalled? (PC1)

To my original question. How long does it take to refresh in the SQL DB once the .ls file is put in the "import" folder? Or does it require a manual refresh?
Champion Sweeper
I renamed them ls.txt and they got imported. I think the issue was I made the assumption that the .txt was an artifact. Some machines have show extensions, other have them hidden.

Maybe a quick update of the PDF manual to clarify that.

Thanks for the assistance however.
Engaged Sweeper III
I noticed you say 'saved it as a .ls file'. Whereas the files I collect from LSPush are actually .ls.txt files. Now I would has just thought you didn't have file types displayed and were actually saving is as a .txt file. But your second post lists the extension of the error log.

I'm not entirely sure there's a correlation in this, but if Lansweeper is actually looking for .ls.txt files in the import folder and your truly putting in .ls files I would image it won't actually import them.

Lansweeper Alumni
Salamine wrote:
I noticed you say 'saved it as a .ls file'. Whereas the files I collect from LSPush are actually .ls.txt files.

LsPush files should end in .ls.txt, but they are simple text files of the .txt extension.

harringg wrote:

Still not updated in LS Web Interface

If you continue having problems, please contact us at and provide us with the following:
• Screenshot of your web console landing page. You can access your landing page by clicking on the Lansweeper logo in the top left corner of the web console. Please show us the whole page.
• Output of the report below, preferably in Excel format. Replace "YourPC" with the name of the problem machine.

Select tblComputers.Computername, tblComputers.ComputerUnique,
tblComputers.Domain, tblComputers.FQDN, tblComputers.Computer,
tblComputers.Firstseen, tblComputers.Lastseen, tblComputers.Lasttried,
tblComputers.Username, tblComputers.Userdomain, tblComputers.Lasttriggered,
tblComputers.LastScheduled, tblComputers.LastActiveScan,
tblComputers.LastknownIP, tblComputers.LastLsPush, tblerrors.CFGname,
tblerrors.ErrorText, tblerrors.Lastchanged
From tblComputers Left Join
tblerrors On tblComputers.Computername = tblerrors.Computername
Where tblComputers.ComputerUnique Like '%YourPC%'

To use the specified report, do the following:
• Open the Lansweeper configuration console and select Reports & Alerts\Report Builder. Hit the “New” button.
• Copy the SQL code provided and paste it at the bottom of the newly created report, replacing the default SQL code.
• Click somewhere near tblComputers so the new code applies.
• Give the report a “View name” and a “Report name” and hit the “Save” button.
• Double-click on the report in the report list to see its results and export options.
Champion Sweeper
Still not updated in LS Web Interface

C:\Program Files\Lansweeper\Service\import\, 33kb, 4/5/2012, 12:56PM

C:\Program Files\Lansweeper\Service\Errorlog.txt
No entries from yesterday other than:

04/05/2012 00:05:57: MAC ADDRESS Cannot set Column 'TonerMaximum' to be null. Please use DBNull instead.
at System.Data.DataRow.set_Item(DataColumn column, Object value)
at System.Data.DataRow.set_Item(String columnName, Object value)
Lansweeper Alumni
harringg wrote:
To my original question. How long does it take to refresh in the SQL DB once the .ls file is put in the "import" folder? Or does it require a manual refresh?

The machine should be updated in your database almost instantaneously. If it hasn't, please check the Errorlog.txt located in Program Files\Lansweeper\Service on your Lansweeper server for any errors that may have occurred.


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