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Engaged Sweeper II

I have the need to uninstall the scanning service from one server and move it to antoher server.

The setup i have is a central database, where scanning servers connect to, this is an enterprise setup as we scan many clients on different domains and ip ranges.

My question is when i install the scanning server to another server in the same domain will my data already scanned for this domain and its ip ranges dupliate? If so is there a way to remove all assets scanned by the previous scanning server? or re-associate the current scanned assets with the new scanning server?

Any help with be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance.
Lansweeper Alumni
An asset's internal ID is not related to the scanning server that scanned the machine, so no: changing scanning servers won't cause duplication.

If you will just be moving the Lansweeper service, the steps are the following:
• Delete or disable the Lansweeper service on your current server. Right-click on the service in services.msc, select Properties and choose the appropriate option from the Startup Type dropdown.
• Run the script below in the Lansweeper web console under Configuration\Scanning Setup\Database Scripts, replacing NewServer with the NetBIOS name of your new scanning server and OldServer with the NetBIOS name of your old scanning server.
update tsysasservers set servername = 'NewServer' where servername = 'OldServer'
update tblassets set scanserver = 'NewServer' where scanserver = 'OldServer'

• Run the Lansweeper installer on your new server, choose New Installation\Advanced Install, select ONLY the Lansweeper service for installation and also check "use an existing SQL Server". DO NOT check the checkbox in front of “Lansweeper Database”, or you’ll be overwriting your existing database.
• Point the installer to your existing database when prompted. You can find the necessary database connection details in Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Service\Lansweeperservice.exe.config on your old scanning server.
• If necessary, update the Action Path listed in the Lansweeper web console under Configuration\Website Management\Asset Pages. Your Action Path indicates where the Lansweeper web console will try to locate your custom action executables.


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