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Engaged Sweeper II

I wish to get Network card properties and specifically link speed and duplex mode configured on the adapter.
I didn't find these properties in any tables you provide.
Are there available through Win32_class ?
If yes and if there are not available through Lansweeper, is it easy to include it and to patch Lansweeper to provide these properties?

Engaged Sweeper
On some systems the "Speed" property in Win32_NetworkAdapter shows the link speed (100000000 = 100 Mbit) for the ethernet adapter. Unfortunately, on the majority of systems I've checked (mostly HP) there's no value for this property.

You may be able to add the script you mentioned as a custom action (wscript \\SERVER_NAME\SHARE_NAME\SCRIPT_NAME.vbs {computer}), but it will need some work: it needs to accept the computername as a command line argument. Even then, it will probably display rubbish if the system you're checking has more than one adapter installed (Bluetooth, Firewire, Infrared, WiFi, etc.). Try and run this script on a notebook computer, you'll see what I mean. Unless you have a lot of systems with a single Intel or Broadcom NIC, I'm afraid this will prove to be a dead end.
Roelof Kotvis Bouwvereniging "Woningbelang" LinkedIn Profile
Engaged Sweeper II
Sorry, I didn't find them in win32 class, but I found an article on msdn forum :
As I'm not a programer specialist, I don't know if the script which is talked about can be included as is or if you can adapt it in Lansweeper.
Thanks for your return.
Lansweeper Alumni
Can't find them, do you know the fields of the win32 class?


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