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Engaged Sweeper
Hello, I've some problem with my lansweeper.
All of my office computers are joined on Windows Server 2003 Domain Controller. I've add my domain administrator to Scanning Credentials.

Problem 1
why all of my devce detected as undefined in IP location overview?

Problem 2
why some computers in same domain not listed in scanned device? But in OCS inventory the computer is listed. And How to make all computer in my domain full listed in scanned device?

Problem 3
Am i must login as my domain administrator on my windows to run the basic action like Shutdown, reboot or Uninstall software?

Problem 4
Why some computers is detected as NAS?

Problem 5
And how to resolve this

Problem 6
Can i grouping the computer? for example i want to group computer 1 until computer 29 in Hardware section, and computer 30 until 35 to other section.

Lansweeper wrote:
Which scanning method(s) are you using: Active Scanning, IP Range Scanning, Scheduled Scanning and/or LsPush?

IP range scanning. I've set the ip range scanning from until, but one of the computer on the ip range is not detected or scanned.

and how to show the description like the blue arrow on the picture below?

the description on the other computer is not shown.

Chronologie wrote:
IP range scanning. I've set the ip range scanning from until, but one of the computer on the ip range is not detected or scanned.

Could you contact us at and provide us with the following:
- For easy reference, a link to this forum thread.
- Screenshot of your web console landing page. You can access your landing page by clicking on the Lansweeper logo in the top left corner of the web console. Please show us the whole page.
- Screenshot of a connection test performed to the problem computer using the Devicetester.exe, which can be found in Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Actions on your Lansweeper server. Please perform the test on your Lansweeper server, connecting to the problem computer, and show us the entire test window.

Chronologie wrote:
and how to show the description like the blue arrow on the picture below? the description on the other computer is not shown.

Could you please clarify:
- Which page you are looking at in your screenshot.
- Which description you are interested in displaying: the local computer description or the Active Directory computer description.
Lansweeper wrote:

Could you contact us at and provide us with the following:
- For easy reference, a link to this forum thread.
- Screenshot of your web console landing page. You can access your landing page by clicking on the Lansweeper logo in the top left corner of the web console. Please show us the whole page.
- Screenshot of a connection test performed to the problem computer using the Devicetester.exe, which can be found in Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Actions on your Lansweeper server. Please perform the test on your Lansweeper server, connecting to the problem computer, and show us the entire test window.

The problem is solved by Scheduled Scanning.

Lansweeper wrote:

Could you please clarify:
- Which page you are looking at in your screenshot.
- Which description you are interested in displaying: the local computer description or the Active Directory computer description.

If i click domain MJT in domain overview, it will show scanned computer and the column is Computer, Description, OS and etc.
Chronologie wrote:
If i click domain MJT in domain overview, it will show scanned computer and the column is Computer, Description, OS and etc.

The description displayed here is the local computer description. If descriptions are not displayed for certain machines that have been scanned, that means they have no local computer description.

Note that Active Directory descriptions are not displayed on this page. They are stored in the Description field of tblADComputers within the Lansweeper database.


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