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Engaged Sweeper
I am having issues with any office products populating in lansweeper premium edition product keys section. I have looked through the forums but nothing has helped get any office product keys in the system. I have attached a copy of my license key config. Also, the windows os licenses showed up on the initial scan so i know some of is working but i don't know how to get my office products loaded. I have tried running lsclient locally and lstrigger as well.

Lansweeper Alumni
These keys are from HKLM.
Do you have the exact same key on your machine?
The guid might be a little bit different.
Engaged Sweeper
Did you take a look at the screen shot? I have the entry you have listed there but i am still not getting any response. Are these entries from HKLM or somewhere else?
Lansweeper Alumni
This is our current list of known productID's :

If you find other keys please let us know.

You can do a search in the registry for "DigitalproductID"


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