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Engaged Sweeper
Dear Lansweeper

Could you please provide steps on how I can remotely install software to a specific group of pc's.

Apologies if this topic has already been raised but I was not able to find anything in the forum.

Many Thanks
Lansweeper Alumni
In the computer actions you can create custom actions to install software, run vbs scripts, ...

But you can't batch install on multiple computers.
Engaged Sweeper
Okay thank you for this information.

I did find this on your website http://www.lansweeper.com/features.aspx

Extend Lansweeper with all action scripts you could ever need.

You can define all the custom actions you could ever dream of to control your clients.
Remote install software, run scripts, ... everything is possible.

Remote desktop = mstsc /v:{computer}
Ping = cmd.exe /K "ping.exe {computer}"

Is this remote install software referring to something else?

Lansweeper Alumni
Lansweeper cannot do this.

If you have active directory you can use this to publish MSI packages.


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