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Engaged Sweeper II

Dear Concern,

In our Organization, we are maintaning some common approved softwares which are need to be installed on the client machines. But without any approval, some of our clients are installing other softwres into their machines. Is there any possibliity of generating a report, if any client installs an un approved software into their systems.

Engaged Sweeper II
I would like to add one more instance to this query. There is a report called "Workstations without anti-virus software" which shows the number of machines not having Anti-virus. Similar to that report we need "workstations with un-authorized softwares".

Engaged Sweeper II

I do agree with what you are suggesting. But in the report "Software:Unauthorized software" am getting a count of unauthorized software's instead of that i need how many machines are having unauthorized softwares.

For instance, in a Computer there are 4 unauthorized software's. So the result of the report is "4" but on only one computer. By having count of machines i can clearly fix up my target. Kindly suggest me on this.

Sujitha L M wrote:
For instance, in a Computer there are 4 unauthorized software's. So the result of the report is "4" but on only one computer. By having count of machines i can clearly fix up my target. Kindly suggest me on this.

The built-in software authorization report does not lists counts. It lists machines and any software installed on those machines that is unauthorized. Could you please ensure that you are looking at the report "Software: Unauthorized software". We suspect you are instead looking at the report "Software: All installed software".
Lansweeper Alumni
You can configure allowed software in the Lansweeper configuration console under Configuration\Allowed Software. You can then use the built-in report "Software: Unauthorized software" to list unauthorized software installations. This report can be found in the Lansweeper web console under "All available reports".


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