I'm trying to make LanSweeper works, but scanning on any comp (excluding my comp where LanSweeper Server is installed where it works) gave back those results:
all our computers are working in one domain which server is not comp with lansweeper serwer
all our computers have domain account which is member of domain administrators and local administrator of each computer
this account is called looper@dom-pl
1. user looper@dom-pl logs in on lansweeper server
service LanSweeper (LSservice.exe) starts as looper@dom-pl
program LSwinap.exe starts as looper@dom-pl too
2. looper@dom-pl logs in on client computer
he starts cmd and there lsclient.exe (which is ip of Lansweeper server)
-- LanSweeper client --
Connecting to success
Sending data....success
3. LanSweeper server (LSwinap.exe) finds user and start to diagnose
- no info else computername of client and error is typed in lansweeper base
- in syslog and in errors table of lansweeper :"RPC Server is not avaible. (HRESULT: 0x800706BA)"
- in syslog I have suuch description: " DCOM was unable to communicate with the computer "Name" using any of the configured protocols"
all firewalls are diseabled
ports 135 and 9542 (LSwinap.exe) are open
i don't know what else I could do, I spend more then 6 hours reading about RPC and trying make it all works... could You help me please?
i readed near all messages on this forum, and anything i found on microsoft.technet pages