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Engaged Sweeper III
Seems like we are getting this error most of the time since upgrading the premium tools. As in the past when the program launches, you can continue to click the "Take Screeshot" button over and over again to update the current image without any issues. Not so after upgrading. We are lucky to get 2 in a row. Then we have to exit the program, click the Advanced Action Button again...

Also, does not remember when you click the box Never Ask Permission to run program again.

I rolled us back to an earlier version 4.0.78 and all is well again.
Engaged Sweeper III
Good Call. Apparently we updated our antivirus software to Symantec 12 at the same time I updated the tools. I added an exception and it works almost as before. I still get the screen shot below every time we run the program even after we uncheck the box. I just appears again with the box checked.
Lansweeper Alumni
This is a wild guess: your virus scanner is blocking access to the executable.


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