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Engaged Sweeper II
Hi All,

I have a list of software that LS is unable to determine the publisher. I happen to know the publisher of most of the software but can't figure out how to edit the Software asset so I can add the correct information. Can this be done in the web interface or is it done at the DB level? Either way can someone provide some direction here as to where/how to accomplish this task?

Engaged Sweeper II
So you are saying that if I need to run a report for Publisher "X", I also have to manually sift through a list of 64K+ software titles to make sure I'm including all the data I need?

Is there not a way to enter the Publisher information for a software title and "lock" it to prevent it from changing, like when you make a manual edit to an asset?
AnthelioHealth wrote:
Is there not a way to enter the Publisher information for a software title and "lock" it to prevent it from changing, like when you make a manual edit to an asset?

No. As stated previously, this is not currently possible.
Lansweeper Alumni
It is not currently possible to manually update this information. Even if you edited your database, any changes you made would be overwritten during scanning.


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