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Engaged Sweeper
I am installing lansweeper and everything installs fine but when I open up the configuration tool I get errors about tables not existing etc.

Here is what I found in the log file,

Configuring Lansweeper service ...
2011-02-21 09:53:20.345 Error: Updating table "tsysASServers"; Query: INSERT INTO [tsysASServers] ([Servername], [Listenport]) VALUES('LANSWEEP', 9524)Invalid object name 'tsysASServers'
2011-02-21 09:53:20.377 Error: Updating table "tsysASDomains" or "tsysASServers"; Query: INSERT INTO [tsysASDomains] ([Servername],[DomainName],[Netbiosname]) VALUES('LANSWEEP','','MYCOMPANY')UPDATE [tsysASServers] SET [activescanning]=1 WHERE [ServerName]='LANSWEEP'Invalid object name 'tsysASDomains'

Any information would be appreciated. I also cannot get the service to start but I am thinking that this has something to do with it. I am hosting my SQL and a different server then the web, scanning server.
Lansweeper Alumni
Can you please contact us by e-mail and provide your install.log file.


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