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Engaged Sweeper II

i made under Lansweeper registry scanning a rule that works with Teamviewer. It read the local ID which is neccasary for connecting.

Now i have to create under asset page a custom action for:

opening the Teamviewer Programm on Admin side with the "ClientID"

But i donĀ“t know which parameter i have to use in asset page to include the value from the registy scanning from Lansweeper

Can anyone help me to do this?

I try a OTHER way to make a powershell script, which starts the teamviewer local, but the ID will not work

## Teamviewer_connect.ps1
#Read Reg Key
$key = 'hklm:\SOFTWARE\wow6432Node\Teamviewer'
(Get-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name "ClientID").ClientID

# Check Key
Write-warning $key

# Werte
$Teamviewer = "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe"
$arg = '--id "$key"'

Start-Process -FilePath $Teamviewer -ArgumentList "-i $arg" -ErrorAction Stop -WindowStyle Maximized

## Asset Page
powershell -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy bypass -command {actionpath}teamviewer_connect.ps1 {computer}


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