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Engaged Sweeper
In my reports, I sometimes use substrings of the column data to make the report easier to read or understand.

For example, I like to see only a substring of my Active Directory OU names, a 3 character portion of the OU name that identifies the city, using:

SubString(tblADComputers.OU, 4, 3)

Since upgrading to version, I can not use this syntax in any new reports (although any existing reports that use it can still be edited as long as substrings are not being added.) Now, I get the following error message if adding a substring in the column name:

"Create View or Function failed because no column name was specified for column <x>."

So instead of getting an easy-to-read column of data as get in my older reports (i.e. "BOS", "NYC", "LAX") - I now get a larger, cluttered column (i.e. OU=BOS Computers, OU=Domain Computers, DC=<domainname>, DC=com) on any new reports that are created.

Is there a workaround for this, or can this be corrected in a future release?
Engaged Sweeper
Great, thanks. That works.
Lansweeper Alumni
Just did a test, it works if you specify the alias for your substring before saving.

Select Top 1000000 tblComputers.Computername, tblComputers.ComputerUnique,   SubString(tblADComputers.OU, 4, 3) As Myalias From tblComputers Inner Join   tblADComputers On tblComputers.Computername = tblADComputers.Computername


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