We got up and running fairly quickly. Overwhelming amount of information in those reports but that's a good thing. Now here is a quick question: where can we find the amount of RAM for any video adapter? We have an HP shop. Mostly workstations, xw 4100, 4200, 4300 and 4400s. Most of the hardware is listed properly but when we read the details for any video adapter, it seems that the amount of RAM is missing. Here is an example:
Video controller
Caption: NVIDIA Quadro PCI-E Series
AdapterCompatibility: NVIDIA
AdapterRAM: 67108864
Availability: 3
CurrentBitsPerPixel: 32
CurrentHorizontalResolution: 1280
CurrentNumberOfColors: 4294967296
CurrentRefreshRate: 72
CurrentScanMode: 4
CurrentVerticalResolution: 1024
DeviceID: VideoController1
DeviceSpecificPens: 4294967295
InfFilename: oem14.inf
InfSection: nv4_WSApps_NV3x_DualView
InstalledDisplayDrivers: nv4_disp.dll
MaxRefreshRate: 75
MinRefreshRate: 56
Monochrome: False
NumberOfColorPlanes: 1
PNPDeviceID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00FD&SUBSYS_021510DE&REV_A2\4&C570B99&0&0008
VideoArchitecture: 5
VideoMemoryType: 2
VideoModeDescription: 1280 x 1024 x 4294967296 colors
VideoProcessor: Quadro NVS 280 PCI-E
Last scanned: 9/25/2009 8:52:38 AM