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Champion Sweeper
I am installing Lansweeper 4 on a new server... (have a Lansweeper 3.5 on another server, don't want to upgrade since upgrades usually brakes stuff.)

I have tried to use the guide on
but it does not look the same, so I suspect it is from a 2003 server.
Im a total noob on IIS server because we don't use it unless for lansweeper. 😉

I have set up the web.conf and I get the login prompt, but it does not accept the password.

401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.

I can not find the part where I am suppose to do stuff in "Advanced settings" for the "classic pool".
There is already an Application Pool named lansweeper, which is set to classic.
Champion Sweeper
I don't have any good explaining to do, but the "Default website" had been created today. I removed it and after that I can login using IE also, so I guess this case is closed.
Lansweeper Alumni
Enable security logging and look in the eventviewer for logon events.
Champion Sweeper
Hmm.. so stupid of me. I probably logged in without the DOMAIN\user yesterday.
Today when I try with DOMAIN\user works fine. However, I think I logged in with just user with the old 3.5, so thats probably why I did it.

Thank you!

When I got back to work today I can not login with DOMAIN\user
Cant explain why It worked from home over VPN.

When I try to login using Internet Explorer I can not login, but when I use Firefox it works! Very strange...
Lansweeper Alumni
If you get the "401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials."
You probably did it correct.

Can you post your web.config file please.

are you logging in with domain\username credentials?