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Engaged Sweeper
I have a a couple of questions I recently upgraded to 3.1

The wake on lan feature is looking for wol.exe where can I get this tool and where does the .exe need to be so it will work. I would like to place it on a network with other tools so I dont have to have it on the local machine. If there is a path statment that I need to modify let me know.

Also the Asset Links section is not displaying at all, I wasnt sure if there is somthing that I needed to configure to allow that function. I have added a screen shot to for an example.
Engaged Sweeper
THanks for the help, I overlooked the actions download link

On the vendor links I just had to re-add them

Thanks again
Lansweeper Alumni
You can download the wol.exe from the action pack on the download page.
Best is to place all the needed executables in a folder in your windows search path on the computer where you are browsing the website (I use windows\system32)

For the asset links there is a screen in the Management console. (Configuration/asset tag links)

You need to add
Vendor : Dell Computer Corporation
Assetlink :{assettag}


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