Mobile Device Scanning
I need a solution without using AirWatch oder Intune. Is this possible?
This board contains archived posts from the retired Lansweeper Forum and Insiders Community.
I need a solution without using AirWatch oder Intune. Is this possible?
Hi,I m trying to have a specific report with all my workstation included in our Domain (BE-AD.loc) but not only, I want to include all Macintosh (but like you know Macintosh are not member of domain).- This report need to include workstations (Window...
Hello,the new Exchange Feature Scan in v7 is really nice, but there are some things which should be improved, or does someone know a workaround?We have Exchange 2019 CU3 with a 2 Server DAG.1. We installed the Exchange Management Tools on a RD-Sessio...
Our LanSweeper seems to be scanning everything and anything with an IP address. How do I change it so that it only scans systems with Windows on it. It is causing a lot of licensing issues. I don't need to scan everything just Windows based systems s...
Help, This the first time we are using Lansweeper to perform our annual inventory task and we are having problems listing the Owner and/or User information associated with our assets to the Assets: all columns report listed in Lansweeper. When I add ...
Help, This the first time we are using Lansweeper to perform our annual inventory task and we are having problems listing the Owner and/or User information associated with our assets to the Assets: all columns report listed in Lansweeper. When I add ...
There are a few user reports that provide memory information , installed, max, slots available etc. I have 16 workstations in the domain/network. They show in assets ,show in Computer: System configuration overview. but when I run any one of the memo...
For Example server XXXXX01 Total Application hang Number= 4Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetName As AssetName1, tblAssets.Domain, tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.Username, tblAssets.Userdomain, tblAssets.Lastseen, tblAssets.Lasttried, tblNtlog.E...