By "error" do you mean that computers with anti-virus software are still showing up in the report "Workstation: All workstations without Anti-virus software"?
Yes, exactly. All my Kaspersky AV installed computers appears in this report.
A rescan should not be necessary for this report to be updated after adding anti-virus entries.
Normally I just F5 the page and results gets updated. But it didn't so I launched a Rescan.
Please contact us at and provide us with the following:
- Screenshot of how you entered the anti-virus packages in the configuration console, under Configuration\Anti-Virus Software.
SEE Lansweeper_01.JPG- Screenshot of the Lansweeper webpage for a computer that you believe should not be in the previously mentioned report. Specifically, show us the Kaspersky software packages in the Software section of the computer's webpage.
I understand now this is caused by the application not being listed in the installed software on computer, Kaspersky is only seeable on the
C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows
C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Workstations
So because users cannot see the application in their installed software list (add-remove programs) Lansweeper cannot "see it as installed" even if it is, hiddenly.
This is a Kaspersky deployment feature I used, so it does not appear on users computer. No Tray, No shortcut in the taskbat, start program.. Just folders on the C drive.
My TEMP fix was to use the
Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent string (Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent%) in order to remove the installed AV computer from the No AV software installed Report. Here is the result after this string was added:
SEE Lansweeper_02.JPG- Output of the query below. Replace "Your Computer" with the name of the computer you showed us the webpage of.
Command completed successfullyYou will have an email in the next 15min with all infos.
Groupe Rodeus