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Engaged Sweeper
Hi guys,

Hopefully someone can help me out here. I've got this product working great for 75% of our fleet, BUT we are piloting XP SP2 on some of the remainder. When i turn OFF the XP firewall completely, the scan works great, but when its turned ON I get the error below. Extra Info .... I have added an exemption for port 9524 in the XP firewall as the notes say too. Other TCP ports open include 135, 139, 445, 1226

026 26/05/2005 8:50:47 AM (IEEXT) The format of the specified computer name is invalid.
006 26/05/2005 8:52:06 AM (IEBARS) The format of the specified computer name is invalid.

I've turned on logging for the XP firewall and noticed many different ports being used for communication between client and audit server during the audit that have been dropped by XP.

I really want to nail this port problem because i then have to open the same ports for our remote dial up users on the router. Remote users are showing the same symptoms but are only Win2k clients. They work sweet when plugged directly to the LAN, but fail when dialing in with the same errors above.

Has anyone else encountered something like this that can shed some light on the subject ??

Engaged Sweeper
That seems to have done it for my XP SP2 installs. Thanks for the help. Great product.


Thanks Dave
Lansweeper Alumni
Group policy:
Computer Configuration/administrative templates/network/network connections/windows firewall/domain profile/allow remote administration exception
Engaged Sweeper
I have searched through my Group Policies and cannot find the "Remote management" setting. Can anyone point me in the correct direction?

"Blind" person.
Thanks Dave
Lansweeper Alumni
IEEXT and IEBARS scan uses remote registry, so you have to allow this.

In a future update (next week if I have time) the scan will be based on ipaddress instead of hostname, this will solve the dial in errors.
Lansweeper Alumni
You have to enable "remote management" (this should be enough)
You can do this using group policies.


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