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Engaged Sweeper


I have some deployments ending with "incorrect Function". Some never ended, some were running fine, then some machines started to end with the error and now all machines end with the error.

If I copy the command from the deployment log message to the command line of my machine and run, there is no problem (running command line with the scanning credentials used for install in the deployment). If I deploy package to my machine, it ends with error.

The solution ends with the test.

And if the test fails ?

How can I get more information about what is failing ?

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Hello there!

If the test fails when using the command prompt, then the command will also fail in a Lansweeper deployment.

If you are trying to install software, perhaps you can reach out to the software vendor for further assistance. Or maybe something is logged in the event log of the Windows computer where you are trying to run the command.

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