Deployment Packages

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User Profile Size PowerShell Script Deployment

As part of the Pro Tips #35 blog post I created a deployment package that deploys a PowerShell script that takes User Profile names and sizes and stores them into registry keys.If you want to know more about it, you can visit the blog post. You can d...

Esben_D by Lansweeper Employee
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INSTALL exe or MSI without admin password

Hello Dear I have 2 applications, the first one format EXE the second one MSI, so how can I install it with out admin password for example we have 2 asstes "computers" and we need to install applications via Lansweeper how can I do it from zero   Not...

muhannad by Engaged Sweeper
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Deploying an uninstall script

Result: Deployment ended: Incorrect function. Stop(Failure). Credential: (internal\svc_mailer). ShareCredential: (LansweeperUser).Command: powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "\\USWASPUTIL03\Lansweeper\PackShare\Scripts\Uninstall_Cleanup_EPP...

Dmyers by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Remote Deployment Window

Hi there When I run a deploy, the Lansweeper executable window is showing to the user. Im trying to run a notification deploy on "Currently Logged On" run mode.

gcrucitti by Engaged Sweeper II
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Deployment Package - Alienvault Script

Need some help in creating a deployment package for this script below:  [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("

carvellw by Engaged Sweeper
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Toast Message - Reboot Computer When Patched

Its always handy to ask the User to reboot once the install has finished, here is a simple TOAST message with Image (445 x 266) to add to the end of the deployment...Edit the following Powershell with the message, image location etc copy-Item "***Pat...

Andy_Sismey by Champion Sweeper III
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