Deployment Packages

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Pearson Exam Player Installer

Software required;Pearson Exam Player - the Pearson Vue website has this installer locked behind a login. You'll need to extract it, install the administrator dashboard on a server, then check the directory for "pearson.pop.testplayer.msi" and add th...

Steven_C by Engaged Sweeper
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HDD vs SSD PowerShell Script Deployment

As part of the Pro Tips #16 blog post I created a deployment package that deploys a PowerShell script that takes storage type data and stores it into registry keys.If you want to know more about it, you can visit the blog post. You can download the P...

Esben_D by Lansweeper Employee
  • 0 replies
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Script - Remove Old Java Versions Silently

This package checks for both 32-bit and 64-bit installed versions of Java, and silently uninstalls any old versions leaving behind only the newest.Keeping old versions of Java on your system presents a serious security risk.Uninstalling older version...

Kinetic by Engaged Sweeper II
  • 26 replies
  • 17 kudos

Run a PowerShell script file in a client computer

Please assist - I have a ps1 file that copies data from A - B, need to run the PowerShell file using lansweeper on multiple pc's. Can you please advise methods to do this? If I am doing it right so far, what do I put after {PackageShare} under Instal...

Microsoft Teams Cache Deletion

This script (via Powershell) deletes the roaming profile cache(s) on the target machine. Helpful in a non persistent environment that hasn't used the "Machine Wide Installer".I used this links as reference:PowerShell Basics: How to Delete Microsoft T...

Java Uninstall Deployment

Hi everoyone,I did this deployment to uninstall the new version of Java and install Java 202 in our clients.If i deploy the single steps it works normally, but when I run the whole deployment, it got stuck at the second step.At first I though the pro...