Deployment Packages

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Copy file from one location to another

The package below can be used to copy files from one location to another. It copies file test.txt from the C: drive to the E: drive of the client machine, but you can insert your own files into the deployment step.

Susan_A by Lansweeper Alumni
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Installer - Java Runtime Environment 8u51

This package will update/install Java on network computers. You need to download the offline installer from the Java website.The last step disables auto-updates of Java.1. Open the Java manual download page and download the Offline installers for Win...

Daniel_B by Lansweeper Alumni
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WSUS report fix for cloned computers

Fix for client computers that are cloned and not reporting to WSUS server.It will delete the "SusClientId" and "SusClientIdValidation" from the registry location: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate .After deleting reg keys i...

i_kulgu by Champion Sweeper
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CCleaner Silent Install

Install CCleaner silently without user interruption. The few workstations I have tested did not yield a toolbar association as this install accepts all defaults. If anyone has suggestions let me know!

Change Computer Owner / Organization

This package will change the name for the registered owner and organization. Remark: The client will be rescanned after to make sure related reports are up to date.Change the example to your name/organisation

Michael_V by Champion Sweeper III
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Install - UltraVNC

This a package to install silently Ultra vnc version to UltraVNC website in order to download the installers.If when you read this post is available a updated version, remmeber update the steps 5 and 6.The package steps looks fo...

servicedesk by Champion Sweeper II
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