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Engaged Sweeper

I'm attempting to read the registry and verify the version of an app before proceeding the next step. 
The Type: Condition.   
Reg path: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{628071DE-47B7-4F5B-9A34-106C509D5B0E}

Value Name: DisplayVersion

Value: the Version currently installed.   

The procedure fails with the following message: 

Result: Deployment ended: The system cannot find the path specified. Stop(Success). Credential: (crmc\lansweeper_svc). ShareCredential: (crmc.mad\lansweeper_svc).

I even copied and pasted the path in the registry to see if I might have fat fingered it, but it finds and displays.  
not sure why on the error when ran through Deployment.  