The message "package timeout reached" indicates that your package did not finish within the time you defined as the Max Duration for the deployment package. This can happen because:
- There was no Stop(Success) and no Stop(Failure) defined as the next action in the last step of the package. You can change your deployment steps when you select the package under Deployment\Packages.
- The execution of the steps took longer than the Max Duration defined for the package. You can increase the Max Duration when you select the package under Deployment\Packages.
- User interaction was required during the package execution, e.g. the user was required to confirm a dialog or close an application.
- The computer froze, is not available or started rebooting before giving back a result for the last package step.
Review your package and manually test each step on a target machine.
Copy the Command of your step and manually run it in Command Prompt on a target machine to see if it works, replace {packageshare} with the UNC path of your package share as defined under Deployment\Security Options. This should help you identify the cause of the issue.
Only when the command works silently and within the allotted time in Command Prompt will it work in Lansweeper as well.