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Engaged Sweeper

Hi Team,

I Added the SSO with SAML in our Lansweeper console, added the Domain Name and to finish this configuration a TXT record was required which I have created in out DNS (AD). Post that when I try to verify the domain getting error as " Domain not verified successfully". Can you please let us know why we are getting this error? and help us in fixing the issue?





Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Hi @Shoaib,


There are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  • Ensure that the TXT record has been correctly added to your DNS. DNS changes may take some time to propagate, so you might need to wait a little longer. Typically, DNS changes can take up to 48 hours to fully propagate.
  • Verify that the code you copied into the TXT record matches precisely what was provided in the Lansweeper Cloud pop-up. Check for leading or trailing spaces.
  • Ensure you are trying to verify the domain with the correct format, as mentioned in the Lansweeper documentation, which should be

For more detailed instructions on setting up Lansweeper Cloud SSO and troubleshooting, refer to the Lansweeper Community guide on Set up Lansweeper Cloud SSO.


Engaged Sweeper

Adding snip of the TXT record created to verify domain to complete SSO.



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