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Engaged Sweeper


I am attempting to use Lansweeper to deploy a tool that will migrate the current user's profile and join it to a new domain. Is it possible to include these actions in the deployment parameters? I would like to automate the entire process.

I really I would like to use USMT to scan - join - load, using LANsweeper ? if anyone can help me? or any other automated way using LANsweeper or other tool (sadly we don't have SCCM)  

Thank you 

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

With Lansweeper, you can run any deployment package after scanning.
You can do this by creating a deployment schedule, and select the "After scanning" option there. 
This allows you to run any batch file or script. 
For the actual script, to migrate the users, we can't provide specific tips I'm afraid. This is a bit outside of our scope. 

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