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Engaged Sweeper

If you have any suggestion please let me know

Engaged Sweeper II
Thank you!
It worked using the msi file instead of the exe
Engaged Sweeper II
I am new to LAN Sweeper so apologies if I am leaving this comment in the wrong place.

I am trying to deploy Adobe Reader DC to a WIN10 PC.

My deployment copies the files to the target's C drive in a sub folder "LSDeployment\AdobeReaderDC" but then fails on the install.

I have extracted the setup executable also, thought I should point that out. It didn't work without the setup executable extracted either.

C:\LSDeployment\AdobeReaderDC\setup.exe /sAll

Can anyone help me get this working?


Justin_Toronto wrote:
Can anyone help me get this working?

I would suggest installing via the MSI.

msiexec.exe /i "{PackageShare}\Adobe\AcroRdrDC1901220034_en_US\AcroRead.msi" /norestart /qn

Download from here, extract with 7-Zip. Grab MSI and reference that for the install.
Engaged Sweeper
Very helpful thanks!

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