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Engaged Sweeper II

while deploying packages we get last days a lot of these error.

Preliminary checks failed. Task Registering Error. Value does not fall within the expected range. Credential: (.\dxxxm). ShareCredential: (\dxxxe).

We deploy that package with scanning credentials.

If we deploy that package again, mostly it works fine.

Result: Deployment ended: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet.. Stop(Success). Credential: (.\dxxxm). ShareCredential: (\dxxxe).

We did not change any configuration and deployment wents fine until 12/05/2023. This problem we have since 12/07/2023.

Any idea?

Engaged Sweeper II

The shareing  on the packageshare is not limited

Engaged Sweeper II


not that did not help. It also depends if I only deploy for 1 Station. Sometime I get this Error, sometime not.

If I check the configuration by testtool everything is ok.



Engaged Sweeper

Hi, we have the same problem on one of our installation, where Lansweeper is installed on "Non-Domain" enviroment.

The problem occur even on deployment that use only conditions and command, no file from shared folder; on this enviroment we are experiencing problem since from version.

Someone have similar enviroment and deployment works good ?
Thanks and regards.

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