CyberCitizen wrote:
I have no issues, however I am using the MSI as I find you have more control on anything that installs via the MSI.
msiexec.exe /i "{PackageShare}\Adobe\AcroRdrDC1901020099_en_US\AcroRead.msi" /norestart /qn
I can't really help you with using the exe, it could be that the exe isn't reporting an exit code/completion.
You can grab the MSI's from here, and when you push an updated msi, it upgrades etc.
Do you have issues with this installing DC 2015?
If i run the Acroread.msi it just installs from the .cab which is the 2015 package, 2019 being the "patch" for 2015.
Can see more info in the setup.ini
Is there a command for the msi to set the patch version when installing?