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Hard coded agents

My remote devices have a hard coded Lansweeper server name in their configuration file. That server is being decommissioned. A new server with new name and IP address is up and running. How do I get my clients that have the old server name hard coded...

Same Question over and over

Hi I try to add a custom field for networks rights. I want the user respond a same question until he respond No. Exemple :What directory do you want to access? Do you want to have access to another directory? Yes / No"Yes" What directory do you want ...

Admi960 by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Monitors from Iiyama not created as Asset

Hello,we use Iiyama monitors on many of our clients. However, also devices from Acer.The latter are created as an asset and then displayed in the summary page of the client asset.Unfortunately not the Iiyama. These can only be read out cryptically fr...

SyncMasta by Engaged Sweeper III
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Fiz algo assim :Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,tblAssets.AssetName,tblAssets.Domain,tblAssets.IPAddress,tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypename As [Asset Type],tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As iconFrom tblAssetsInner Join tsysAssetTypes On tblAssets.Asse...

phcosta by Engaged Sweeper II
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Multiple PackageShare Sync

Hello All,Just trying to see what different solutions everyone is using to keep multiple package shares in their environments synced up with up to date installers and scripts as our the solution we are currently using is very inconsistent. We are usi...

coneil by Engaged Sweeper
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Rule won't apply

So I have a rule, pictured below. It's the top rule, and set to stop processing.However, all tickets are getting set to IT Support and sending to me.I'm a one man shop for IT, and I set this up a while back. Now we are using the ticketing to assist ...

BSOD caused by KB updates anyway to track them?

Is it possible to detect the following BSODS created by the below security patches, most of the time this occurs when trying to print from a kyocera printer or when access Vmware Horizon and I suspect the printer drivers are being enumerated during t...

hirogen by Engaged Sweeper III
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HP Zero Clients detected as printers

We have lots of HP zero clients (Teradici Tera2 chip)w/o snmp enabled they are discovered as web servers, after snmp enabling they are discovered as printers (see screenshot)Snmp seems to not have attached devices, but through web interface it is pos...

igorm by Engaged Sweeper
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