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Engaged Sweeper III
I am not sure what changed, but they are all the same version (see attached pic)

Any ideas as to why the report is not working right? I know it suppose to look at all servers and compare the build numbers and output those that are below the newest one in the list. But as you can see here, they are all the same.

Any insight would be appreciated - Thanks!

Engaged Sweeper III
Ok... So apparently my tsysOS table contained an OS code "10.0.17134S", Which related to an old Server 2016 Core installation that has since been removed. Once I removed this from the database, it fixed the problem.

If you have a similar issue and want to remove a record with a bad OScode.. you can run this query in the database:

delete from tsysos where oscode = '10.0.17134S'

Your code will be different, but you get the idea. Thank you to the support team for that isolation. I had to run several reports for them to find that.

Thanks again!

I am seeing a similar issue, but in my case I think the issue is a mis-ordering of the records in tsysos. I have six "Win 2016" OSName column records, but they show in descending order of OSCode as

10.0.14393S (which all of mine are)

If I look at the records ordered by OSCodeNumeric, they order correctly. Is it possible that the reports are using OSCode to determine the latest version rather than OSCodeNumeric?

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