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Engaged Sweeper

I would like to associate tickets to different supplier. We have between 20-50 active supplier.

What would be the best way to do that?

Thank you
Engaged Sweeper
What about using ASSETS:

I see that I can link ASSETS to tickets.
I can also see all tickets related to an assets
I can mass edit tickets so assign assets
I'm wondering if I can MASS EDIT tickets related to an ASSET if at some point there is a better solution

What do you think?
Engaged Sweeper
What about using the Knowledge Base ?

New category named : Supplier
One KB article per supplier with supplier informations.

Is there a way to find all tickets that link to a specific KB article?
Champion Sweeper III
The best options that are available are to either:
  • Make use of ticket custom fields to create a dropdown list of suppliers. When a ticket is being created or has been created you can then set the supplier this ticket is about. You can find information about custom fields in this knowledge base article.
  • Create a ticket type for each supplier. This way each ticket that you create can have a specific type for each supplier. This will however be a lot of ticket types. More information can be found here.

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