I would like a report that give me information and the most important, show the end dates for certificates. Can Lansweeper do that with just a report or do you need to add this as a feature?
Certificate Scanning has now been added: https://www.lansweeper.com/updates/introducing-lansweepers-2022-spring-launch-aymon/#h-expanding-windows-discovery
Certificate Scanning has now been added: https://www.lansweeper.com/updates/introducing-lansweepers-2022-spring-launch-aymon/#h-expanding-windows-discovery
ifm wrote: I would like a report that give me information and the most important, show the end dates for certificates. Can Lansweeper do that with just a report or do you need to add this as a feature?
Any progress update on this, or any work-around methods? Seems like a rather simple feature to add into the scanning. That, or allow a method of updating the custom fields via returned values from scans/deployment, etc...
Casting a vote for SSL Certificate reporting. It's a huge need, particularly for those critical middleware and backend hosts where Lansweeper has visibility and online scanners don't. I expect to see this feature in the next quarterly release. Thank you.
This is a pet peeve of mine and one of the things I look for when purchasing software. When applications have requests on wish lists for 4+ years with no traction. I know not everything will be added etc. But after 4+ years you would expect an update.
Can I give this a little bump? It's been almost 4 years since this was posted but I've not seen any sort of update / functional delivery to support this.
I know this was requested numerous times before, but is there any real effort made to include certificate scanning, or at least expiry date of certificate scanning in the next releases of Lansweeper?
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