Lansweeper wrote:
We're assuming you are using an older version of Internet Explorer.
Those always give us a headache.
Try adding an iframe widget and linking it to the widget's page:
I'm using Chrome 33. But I tried it in IE9 and Firefox 26 with the same results.
Just to make sure I understood correctly, here's what the code is for this widget:
<%@ Page Language="C#" ContentType="text/html" ResponseEncoding="utf-8" %>
<% LS.User.Current().CheckWebsiteAccess(); %>
<div class="dragbox-content">
<a href="" class="aw-widget-legal"></a>
<div id="awtd1389381943971" class="aw-widget-36hour" data-locationkey="" data-unit="f" data-language="en-us" data-useip="true" data-uid="awtd1389381943971" data-editlocation="true"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
That's the entire code. Should there be something else in there? Any additional headers or footers needed?
I tried your suggestion and placed it in an iframe widget; that worked. This is good enough for me. My geeky side would like to figure out the original code, but it's not that important in the long run.