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Engaged Sweeper

We are using on-premise Lanweeper in our domain. After upgrading to version, deployment is not working, but there was no issue before the upgrade. After deployment, the deployment tab is not added to the asset, and there is no record in the deployment log.

I’ve read most of the articles but couldn’t find an answer. The following items have been checked and are working correctly:


The Lansweeper server can communicate with the client, and the C$ and Admin$ is accessible whit Lansweeper user from server.

The user defined in the security options has admin access to the clients. This same user is defined as a global credential and has full access to the default package path.

The Lansweeper Server Service and Lansweeper Agent Service are running on the Lansweeper server.

The Lansweeper Agent Service, Task Scheduler Service, and Remote Registry Service are installed and running on the client.

Engaged Sweeper

Sorry to resurrect an old topic but I was wondering if this issue has been fixed? should i try the beta?

I'm having the same problem. Updates for lansweeper and LsAgent work but nothing else does. everything that doesn't is hosted on a truenas scale smb share but it is AD connected, as is the lansweeper host. Lansweeper can see the share and the credentials it is using have r/w access to the share and admin on the clients.

Engaged Sweeper


We fixed it with update to new last update.

Engaged Sweeper

ok cool. can you please confirm the version number?

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Hello Targholi,
We received a few similar reports, most of them related to the Packageshare. 
Some users worked around it by putting the deployment files and scripts on another server then the Lansweeper server and share it from there. 
We also found a user that granted more permissions to the default packageshare on the Lansweeper server directly. 
We are still gathering more details and we're trying to find the root cause. If you do have additional feedback, please share that with it.

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