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Champion Sweeper
Hi there,

We have 10,000 workstations getting scanned every 48 hours. Would the overhead of a deployment schedule with an interval of every 30mins (using a report to find targets) be lower than using the same report as an 'after scanning' interval?

We have a number of 'after scanning' schedules and a number of every 15/30min schedules and wondering if we should stick with one in particular as we grow the listing of deployment schedules.

Lansweeper Alumni
In terms of overhead on your database, a 15/30 minute schedule would be superior, an after scanning deployment will run the query after every scan, which will be more frequent than the 15/30 minute schedule.

As long as the report is set up to only return assets that need the deployment in question, and you configure your deployment package with the "Rescan Assets" option enabled, no duplicate deployments should occur either.
Champion Sweeper
Hi Bruce,

Thanks for the info. Sorry I should have made the point the concern related to the queries Lansweeper would run to determine if a deployment was to occur after each scan attempt versus 1 query every 15 or 30mins. Is that how this works? In term of deployment that is OK. The report we use for either schedule type generally avoids doubling up on deployments attempts to the same asset.

Lansweeper Alumni
Ordinarily, in your scenario, an After Scanning deployment schedule should have the least overhead, as it will generate less total deployment attempts over the same time period. A 15/30 minute schedule will likely cause multiple deployment attempts for the same asset during the course of a single day.

As far as performance impact on your Lansweeper server though, this should be quite minimal, as the number of active deployments that can run at once is limited by your thread count. Additionally, the performance impact of running deployments on your Lansweeper server should be quite low, as deployments are performed by the local task scheduler of your workstations. Deployment thread settings can be modified under Configuration\Server Options.

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