To all our Lansweeper users:
The deployment features haven't been removed from our software, but our developers have identified a small bug that could explain the features being hidden from view. When you update from Lansweeper 5.3 to 6.0, we migrate your previous user role configuration, so any Active Directory groups you previously assigned user roles to still have the same permissions in 6.0. It appears the corresponding Deployment role in 6.0 doesn't include deployment permissions, though. Our new version we hope to release very soon will fix this issue.
In the meantime to quickly resolve this issue perform the steps below:
Go to the User Roles section under Configuration\User Access & Roles.
Hit the pencil-shaped icon next to the role assigned to your individual user account.
Make sure the 'Access Deployment' permission is applied.

Restart your web browser to apply any permission changes. This is very important.
We apologise for any inconvenience that this may have caused.