Adding my journey in trying to scan dell docking stations to this most recent post. The Dell docking stations cannot be detected by the chassis in Lansweeper and I have found that Dell Inventory Agent is a required install for the WMI objects to be detected as a "dock" and return an identifier and serial number.
I have tried and failed at multiple powershell attempts to return a nice bulk export csv when scanning the entire network. I am stuck between whether I need to learn how to use arrays better in powershell and whether the dell command objects can even work properly with the syntax i'm attempting. It seems like the dell command demands the list of computer objects to act on at the end of the command.
import-module ActiveDirectory
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
$notebooks = Get-ADComputer -SearchBase 'ou=Notebooks,dc=your,dc=domain,dc=com' -Filter * -Properties Name | Select -ExpandProperty Name
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {gwmi -n root\dell\sysinv dell_softwareidentity | select elementname, serialnumber, description, versionstring | where elementname -like '*WD1*'|ft} -ComputerName $notebooks
The hideous results of that is the best i've gotten so far for scanning all notebooks, and if I remove the -ExpandProperty Name to try to get the invoke-command to display which computer its listing, it breaks the scirpts ability to run through each computer. If someone could get this working properly as an array that combines this output with the computer name as a custom PSObject, then at least I could run this on demand to get the asset serial numbers. Not sure how this could hook into lansweeper as custom reporting, but it should technically be possible as it scans WMI objects.