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Engaged Sweeper II

Is there a way in which you can disable agent-less windows scanning system wide?

Would the option "Ignore Windows" in an IP Scanning target fit this purpose?

And what to do with "Active Directory Domain" as a Target, this does not have that option.

Champion Sweeper III

It looks like you are correct. Exclusions take priority over scans. The listed article states that the asset will still be scanned to determine what it is, but the information is not saved in the database.

As I read it that means that a windows asset would be scanned, and if the exclusion is setup for workgroup or domain computers, that info wouldn't be saved. If an asset isn't a windows computer, that info would be saved in the database. I believe that the windows asset would have to be scanned no matter what to determine if it needed to be kept.

Now which takes precedence is the question. LSAgent scans or Agentless scans?

Only other way I could see to exclude windows assets is to have them in a separate IP range and not scan that range. Disabling the AD scanning options as well as noted earlier. Of course that depends on your environment.

What you're trying to do I believe is beyond the program's design. If any of the Lansweeper techs that haunt the forum have a better answer, please chime in.

Engaged Sweeper II

I'm starting to come to the same conclusion, that there is no easy way of doing this.

And redesigning IP subnet for all different location is not feasible.


At the moment we're dealing with this by setting 'Ignore Windows' on every 'IP Range' -Scan Target in combination with setting the option 'LsAgent Only' in the LsAgent Configuration.

This seems to reduce agent-less scanning to a minimum, but not 0.


Champion Sweeper III

Good find. I've not upgraded to the latest yet so I didn't see the option you highlighted.

Maybe a feature request could be setup for a future version.

Best of luck @jweyts .

Champion Sweeper III

Another thought is to add an exclusion like this.

exclude domain.png

Engaged Sweeper II

I thought about this option, but it looks like Windows machines will still get scanned but the results are ignored.

Maybe to clarify what I want to achieve is: I don't want lansweeper to use agent-less scanning for Windows boxes ever.
But still want the Windows info from LsAgent scans.

From the Lansweeper documentation:

"If an excluded asset is part of a scanning target, the asset will still be scanned but the data will be ignored as the exclusion has priority over the scanning target."
Exclude assets from scanning - Lansweeper Community

Champion Sweeper III

Try disabling the scanning targets here. My guess is that nothing will be scanned. If however, you're using IP ranges to scan, Lansweeper will still scan what's in that range, be it windows or other devices.

Disable scanning.png


Engaged Sweeper II

indeed, that option will not work, I still want to scan non-windows machines.

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