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Forum Posts

Trying to manipulate data on LS Cloud reporting

Hello! I'm trying to manipulate some data from the Disk table on LS Cloud to do some calculation to get the total free disk space and Capacity size but whenever I try to manipulate the volumes "volumes.freeSpace" and "volumes.capacity", I cannot do a...

Lekius by Engaged Sweeper
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Last User "Unknown" on some computers

We are fairly new to Lansweeper. In fact I have very little knowledge of Lansweeper and trying to learn it all. A problem we are currently running into, is certain assets will not display the last user but others on the same network will display with...

Asset Custom field changing type

Hi all,I am looking for some help before I make a change. In Lansweeper I setup a custom field for asset tag and set the type to "Numeric". One of our sites now has asset tags starting with letters. If I change the field type from "Numeric" to "Textb...

Add node with PowerShell

Hi - I am wanting to automate a Windows Node add using PowerShell for an end-to-end build script.I've scoured everywhere without luck. Seems to be a bit out there for pulling reports etc, but nothing for an add.Can it be done ??I only want to add the...

Uninstalled SQL server components

In my haste to fix another application I uninstalled our SQL Server 2014 instance and components not knowing that LanSweeper was using the LocalDB part of it.The LanSweeper database is intact and located in its default \Program Files\Lansweeper\SQLDa...

Problems with Ticket Filter

hallo, wie have problem with the Ticket filter. We want to use a filter with a custom fild an the web site ist not loading. it stay the wohl time by processing. could you please help us? Herzliche Grüße / Best regards Matias     

Resolved! Lansweeper Cloud US Data location

Hello,          I'm interested in moving to the Lansweeper Cloud platform.  We have a requirement for all data to be hosted in the United States.  Is it possible to get a Lansweeper Cloud site provisioned in a US based AWS region?  I had originally a...

MGreene85 by Engaged Sweeper II
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