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Engaged Sweeper

Hi all,

we would like to manage asset / ad user relationships through the cloud, but it's only possible to add and delete a relationship but not edit it.

We can only do it from the on-prem.

Is there a way or does it need to be implemented in the future?

Thank you

Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee

Hello @andre85 

You can edit the asset relations by selecting the asset, clicking the edit icon (pencil icon), and scrolling down near the bottom. You will find section called "Relations". 

As to edit the relationship, you can delete the relationship(s) and create others as needed. 

I hope that helps answer your question. Let us know if you need more help. 



Tim N.
Lansweeper Employee
Engaged Sweeper

Hello @Tim_N 

sorry but on the cloud seems like there is no option to edit a relation, but only delete and add. For example if i want to set an end date for this relation, i can't.

I'm able to edit this field only through onprem.


Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee

Ah yes. At this time, and current version, editing the dates are only performed through On-Prem. But the edits allowed is restricted to: start/end date, and comments. Otherwise, in the on-prem, you'll also need to delete and create a new relationship. 

Does that make sense? 

Tim N.
Lansweeper Employee
Engaged Sweeper

Got it, but would be nice if in future updates will be available the ability to edit a relationship also in cloud side.

We're tryng to do it via API but it's a time waste..