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Engaged Sweeper III
before the 6.0 upgrade we had all our users logging in as the generic default user. now we are prompted for the windows credentials or we can click Built-in admin. is there a way for it to just always go in as built-in admin without having to click on that every single time?
Champion Sweeper III
Can you please mail us at

Do the users logging in see the end-user helpdesk page or the full blown asset management pages?
Engaged Sweeper III
Sorry i am not talking about the Tabs. i am talking about the main page once a user go to the local lansweeper site. with the previous version no matter who was logged in or what computer they would be on, when they launch our lansweeper site it would show them the main page with all the dashboard reports. we customized this page over the last few years and have found it very beneficial. now if we enable intergrated authentication that page defaults to something generic. i have been greatly disappointed in this upgrade to version 6.
Champion Sweeper III
There is a permission to create "global tabs".
You can edit a tab and make it global, then it will be visible for all users. Users can still make their own tabs next to the global ones.
Engaged Sweeper III
hmmmm, ok. how about if you do have it set for Integrated Windows Authentication. how do you get it where everyone would have the same default dashboard?
Champion Sweeper III
No, this is not possible.

In version 6.0 you can now set roles & permissions per user in configuration/user access & roles