I'm trying to create a deployment package with multiple steps.
Each steps have been tested seperately and they all worked.
Whenever I try to join all steps into one package, it fails.
Here's the complete script :Result: Deployment ended: Incorrect function. Stop(Failure). Credential: (xxxx\xxxx). ShareCredential: (xxxx\xxxx). Command: taskkill /im seviewer.exe /f
timeout /t 5
start /wait wmic product where "name like 'Solid Edge Viewer ST%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive
timeout /t 5
start /wait msiexec.exe /i \\my_server\DefaultPackageShare$\Installers\SolidEdgeViewerST8\MSI_Setup_Viewer_ST8\SolidEdgeViewerST8.msi /qn /passive
timeout /t 5
xcopy "\\my_server\DefaultPackageShare$\Installers\SolidEdgeViewerST8\MSI_Setup_Viewer_ST8_MP\*" "%temp%\MSI_Setup_Viewer_ST8_MP\" /s /e /y
start /wait msiexec /p %temp%\MSI_Setup_Viewer_ST8_MP\\Solid Edge Viewer ST8.msp" /qbElseway, I've also tried to use multiple steps instead of a command consisting of all the commands into one.
Here's my steps :1. Check if v. 5 installed -
Success : Step 4 | Failure : Next (Step 2)2. Check if v. 6 installed -
Success : Step 4 | Failure : Next (Step 3)3. Check if v. 7 installed -
Success : Step 4 | Failure : Step 54. Uninstall software -
Success : Step 5 | Failure : Stop (Failure)5. Install most-recent version of the software -
Success : Step 6 | Failure : Stop (Failure)6. Copy update files to %temp% folder -
Success : Step 7 | Failure : Stop (Failure)7. Install update -
Success : Stop (Sucess) | Failure : Stop (Failure)Steps 1, 2, 3 =
ConditionStep 4 =
MsiUninstaller / Command (start /wait product xxxx call uninstall)Step 5 =
Command (start /wait msiexec.exe /i {Package}\xxxx.msi /qnStep 6 =
Command (xcopy %source% %destination% /s /e /y)Step 7 =
Command (start /wait msiexec /p "path\file.msp" /qbLast thing I tried... calling a .bat - Which doesn't work either.
Is there something with the /wait parameter in the start command which Lansweeper doesn't like?
It seems like to package installation never gets out of the first /wait command and so it doesn't move to the next steps.
Please help me understand the problem

, I've tried many things and always get close to make it all work but it never gets to the end of the installation.
Sad thing is it would work in a .bat file but can't be execute (called) from Lansweeper package installation.
Thank you in advance!